News Item

We are organizing a second invited session on Learning-Based Control at CDC 2017

We are organizing a second invited session on Learning-based Control at CDC 2016 in December (together with Melanie Zeilinger and Sebastian Trimpe) after a very successful first invited session on this topic at CDC 2016. More details about both sessions here.

We had two papers in the Learning-based Control session at CDC 2016 with preprints and videos found on our Publications page:

  • Distributed iterative learning control for a team of quadrotors
    A. Hock and A. P. Schoellig
  • Safe learning of regions of attraction for uncertain, nonlinear systems with Gaussian processes
    F. Berkenkamp, R. Moriconi, A. P. Schoellig, and A. Krause

Contact us if you have questions!


University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies